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Searches on parts of words

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  • Searches on parts of words


    I've just purchased Zoom Pro and I was wondering if I could configure it to do the following:

    I have a doc titled "Cardiovascular Disease". How can I get Zoom to return this doc when a search under the word "cardio" is performed? Does the user always have to search under the full term?


  • #2
    Hi Onersuk,

    If you click on the Configure button and select the Languages tab you'll see a checkbox option called Substring match for all searches. I think filling this checkbox and re-indexing will do what you're looking for :-}

    I would suggest experimenting with it a while afterword though, because with that feature enabled I found it somewhat difficult to find relevant results with certain keywords.



    • #3
      Yes I agree, unless you are searching Asia languages (Japanese, Chinese, etc..) it is generally better to leave Substring match for all searches off.

      Other solutions would be
      1) Doing an explict wildcard search, by searching for cardio*
      2) Adding the word cardio into the documents meta data
      3) Making cardio a synonym of cardiovascular


      • #4
        Thanks for your advice. I think I'll go with the wildcard and meta data options.

