In case anyone sees this error, "Could not find expected [STARTDIR] section". The cause of this is when you accidentally load a new V7 configuration file into an older version of the Zoom software.
It appears like this in the log,
11:46:14 - [ERROR] Failed to load config file: C:\path\Zoom_V7.zcfg
11:46:14 - [WARNING] Could not find expected [STARTDIR] section.
11:46:14 - [WARNING] Please refer to documentation for correct .zcfg file format
11:46:14 - [ERROR] Could not load config file: C:\path\Zoom_V7.zcfg
11:46:14 - Default settings loaded
V7 of Zoom will read configuration files from V6.
But V6 of Zoom will not read V7 configuration files. The format hasn't greatly changed, but in V7 the file switched to using UTF-8 format, which the old V6 software can't deal with.
It appears like this in the log,
11:46:14 - [ERROR] Failed to load config file: C:\path\Zoom_V7.zcfg
11:46:14 - [WARNING] Could not find expected [STARTDIR] section.
11:46:14 - [WARNING] Please refer to documentation for correct .zcfg file format
11:46:14 - [ERROR] Could not load config file: C:\path\Zoom_V7.zcfg
11:46:14 - Default settings loaded
V7 of Zoom will read configuration files from V6.
But V6 of Zoom will not read V7 configuration files. The format hasn't greatly changed, but in V7 the file switched to using UTF-8 format, which the old V6 software can't deal with.